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👥 About: Multi Service Organization


🛒 Session Contact: 0521da1b3461e1c69f59af980743377f579a84dbd223edb45396c391fd702f6a3d


⚠️ Custom Service Requests Available


📝 Accepting Marketers and Skilled Individuals.


[O1O1.org ~]$ sudo systemctl status O1O1.org-services

Phishing Pages

$ Web2 & Web3 (Banks, Social Media, Crypto, Custom, ...)

Crypto Drainers

$ Any Blockchain (Custom Front & Backend)

Telegram Bot

$ Any Type of Custom Bot (Service, Processor, ...)


$ Any Type of Custom Malware for Specific Needs.


$ (Companies, Databases, Websites, Social Media, ...)

Web Development

$ Web2 & Web3 (Web Apps, Tools, Companies, Crypto, Clones, ...)

Tor Marketplace/Site

$ Tor Marketplace/Website Creation & Deployment.

Image/Document Manipulation

$ Photoshop Image & Document Manipulation.

AI Development

$ Custom AI Development (With API or Custom LLM).

API Development

$ Custom API Development for Company or Personal Use.

Pump-Fun Sourcing Tools

$ (Manipulation Tools, New Buyers Alert, Wallet Creator, Token Creation, Volume Manipulation, ...)


$ Learn the Basics of Web2 & Web3 + Custom Requests.

Digital Design

$ (Website UI, Product Design, Logo Design, ...)

Person/Company Doxing (OSINT)

$ (Address Dump, Email, Relatives, SSN, ...)

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

$ (Followers, Likes, Comments, ...)

Memecoin Rugpull

$ (All Steps + Tools)

Prepaid Web2 Cards

$ (Service Cards with Crypto Payment)

DDoS Attacks

$ Shutdown Website or Personal Wi-Fi.


$ Custom Automation Scripts.


$ Custom Girl Voice Audios.


$ SMS/Email Spoofing

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